Marco Torres

About Me

Hello, my name is Marco Torres, a graduate of the interdisciplinary Systems Engineering at the National University of Engineering (UNI), with a solid track record of more than 17 years in the development of business applications. My focus is on software engineering, organizational systems, data communication systems, teleprocessing and industrial automation.

  • Age 38
  • Residence Perú
  • Address Lima
  • e-mail
  • Phone +051 993 820 992
  • Freelance Available


Systems Engineering

2003 - next to graduate National University of Engineering

Soon, a Systems Engineer specialized in Software Engineering and Organizational Systems.

AWS Solutions Architect

2019 Certified by BSG Institute

In the face-to-face course, we discussed the configuration, limits, permissions and implementation of the main groups of AWS services:

✔ Information Technology
✔ Storage
✔ Administration and government
✔ Security
✔ Identity and compliance
✔ Internet of things
✔ Migration and transfer
✔ Analysis

HTML5 Developer

Apr 2012 - Jul 2012 Certified by Area51, Center Training Official Adobe

The course was divided into 3 modules, focusing on HTML5 layout, animations, transitions, web programming with Jquery , JSON, HTML5 and CSS3, and development with Jquery Mobile for mobile.

Visibility in different browsers for different libraries were used and hacks as:


Jan 2011 Certified by UNI Systems

The course was based on implementing, configuring and understanding the operation of the architecture of a web application server, database, processing, in addition to seeing the following group of topics:

⚾ Language Reference
      ✔ Basic syntax
      ✔ Variables
      ✔ Constants
      ✔ Expressions
      ✔ Operators
      ✔ Control structures
      ✔ Functions
      ✔ Classes and objects
      ✔ Exceptions

⚾ Security
      ✔ Installation as a CGI binary
      ✔ XAMPP and WAMPServer configuration
      ✔ Installation as an Apache module
      ✔ File system security
      ✔ Database Security
      ✔ Bug Report
      ✔ Use of Register Globals
      ✔ Data sent by the user
      ✔ Magic Quotes
      ✔ Hiding PHP

⚾ Features
      ✔ HTTP authentication with PHP
      ✔ Cookies
      ✔ Sessions
      ✔ File submission handling
      ✔ Using remote files
      ✔ Managing connections
      ✔ Persistent connections to databases
      ✔ Safe Mode
      ✔ Using PHP from the command line (CLI)

⚾ Main functions reference
      ✔ Advanced PHP debugger
      ✔ Matrix functions
      ✔ Calendar, date and time functions
      ✔ Class and object functions
      ✔ Curl functions
      ✔ DOM/XML functions
      ✔ DAO functions

JAVA Client/Server

Jul 2010 Certified by UNI Systems

The course was based on implementing a basic 5-layer architecture using the Oracle JDeveloper IDE, in addition to touching on the following topics:

⚾ J2EE platform
      ✔ J2EE Technologies
      ✔ Web applications
      ✔ Business applications

⚾ Servlets
      ✔ Concept and life cycle
      ✔ Implementation of a servlet
      ✔ Capture customer data
      ✔ Redirect and send requests
      ✔ Accessing data from a web application
      ✔ Listeners, interfaces and response to an event

      ✔ Concept and life cycle
      ✔ Components
      ✔ JSTL Library and Actions
      ✔ JSP Actions Creation
      ✔ Attributes in actions, iteration and manipulation

Web Programming AS3/AMF/PHP/MySQL

SEP 2009 Uniclick S.A.C.

During the training, several games were made for Facebook, for which it was necessary to delve into:

✔ The ActionScript 3 programming language
✔ The communication layer between AS3 and PHP using Action Message Format (AMF)
✔ PHP as a server language
✔ Manage and model (MySQL)
✔ Integration with Facebook API

⚾ CASE tools
      ✔ Flexbuilder
      ✔ MySQL Workbench
      ✔ Toad
      ✔ Navicat

Object Oriented JAVA

May 2009 Certified by UNI Systems

The course delved into concepts of object-oriented programming such as:

✔ Classes and objects
✔ Message and methods
✔ Encapsulation
✔ Inheritance, Superclass and Subclasses
✔ Polymorphism
✔ Defining classes
✔ Constructors and object creation
✔ Access to variables and methods
✔ Variables and class methods
✔ Method overload
✔ Method overwriting
✔ Interfaces
✔ Packages
✔ Access modifiers
✔ Protected modifier restrictions
✔ Exceptions, cause, handling and hierarchy
✔ AWT, creation of applets and applications
✔ Input / output flows

Structured JAVA

Apr 2009 Certified by UNI Systems

In the course the concepts of structured programming were deepened, touching the following points:

✔ JAVA concepts
✔ JAVA platform
✔ Types of programs in JAVA
✔ Compilation and execution of programs
✔ Create applications with the JDK
✔ Create applets with the JDK
✔ Language structure
✔ Comments
✔ Identifiers
✔ Keywords
✔ Literal
✔ Expressions and operators
✔ Variables and data types
✔ Blocks and sentences

Microsoft Access XP 2003

Aug 2005 Certified by UNI Systems

The course aimed to understand the concepts of modeling and administration of a database in Microsoft Access XP 2003, also touched on the following topics:

✔ Create a database with Access
✔ Create tables
✔ Field creation and alteration
✔ Field properties
✔ Use of forms
✔ Sorting, searching, replacing and filtering
✔ Query the database
✔ Tables list
✔ Reports
✔ Macros
✔ Modules


VP of Engineering

Jun 2020 - Jul 2022 TumiSoft (NETFLY S.A.C.)

TumiSoft (Netfly S.A.C.) is an Electronic Services Provider (PSE), and soon to become an Electronic Services Operator (OSE), my work focused on directing the entire team of the development department in order to meet the business requirements . In my management I helped to propose improvements in integration processes with the SUNAT API, receipt consultation processes, digital signature, spaghetti source code refactoring. I participated in the implementation of a platform as Electronic Services Operator (OSE), the objective of this platform is to validate the vouchers with the rules defined by SUNAT, the software architecture must be based on Web Services SOAP taking into account the UBL 2.0 versions and 2.1, use the XSD and XSL defined by sunat in addition to being able to sign it electronically, and the hardware-based signature (HSM). The DevOps culture had to be gradually inculcated, using code versioning flows through forks and also with software quality assurance control phases. The company went through many transformations, from improving services with docker containers, integrating with tramafik for the automatic generation of Letsencrypt SSL certificates, implementing queues with AWS SQS, laravel queues and then later migrating to RabbitMQ. I also managed the implementation of serverless applications using the Serverless Framework,, AWS Amplify, SAM CLI, Cloudformation, Lambda, API Gateway, Cloudfront, Route53, SES, SNS, Cloudwatch, among others. Finally, a new WPA-based software was proposed with ReactJS, and electronjs so that the development is unique and maintainable for desktop applications, web, and apps (android and iOS). For the creation of the apis, Laravel v9 was used (queues, passport, providers, services, request, middlewares, jobs, commands, etc.) a search engine based on Meili Search was used, and integrations with APIs based on Selenium Grid. I was in charge of managing the frameworks, Cloud and On Premise infrastructure, Networking, department indicator control reports, agile development methodologies, implementation of monitoring system alarm thresholds, in addition to:

✔ Create scalable, flexible, elastic and highly reliable software systems with new and automated features.
✔ Create and manage monitoring systems, in ways that help create self-healing software systems.
✔ Lead the daily scrum and weekly retrospectives.
✔ Reduce organizational silos, through shared responsibility and using the same tool as developers.
✔ Help the organization take advantage of the use of tools and automation.
✔ Measure everything, defining prescriptive ways of measuring values, taking into account the premise that it is believed that the functioning of the systems is the problem of the software.
✔ Manage CI/CD with Jenkins, AWS CodeDeploy, AWS Amplify, and by interfacing with technologies like Serverless Framework,, AWS SAM CLI, and AWS Cloudformation.
✔ Programming with Serverless technology such as Serverless Framework,, AWS Amplify, AWS Lambda, AWS RDS Aurora serverless, AWS API Gateway, AWS Cloudfront, etc.
✔ Manage IT projects.
✔ Implement health monitoring and business continuity of solution architectures.
✔ Manage infrastructure On Premise (Proxmox, Docker, Traefik) and Cloud in AWS.
✔ Deploy applications on EC2 instances (Windows Server, Linux AMI), AWS Lightsail and VMs On Premise.
✔ Manage containers with Docker.
✔ Perform black box and white box tests.
✔ Configure thresholds, logs, and alarms to monitor applications, web service daemons, and scheduled tasks using AWS CloudWatch, Newrelic.
✔ Set up a centralized On Premise monitoring with Prometheus, Grafana, CAdvisor and Loki.

Software Quality Assurance (QA) Analyst

Sep 2018 - Jun 2020 INCA RAIL S.A.

I redefined the Jira Software Development Cycle along with improving the workflow in Bitbucket, automation of deployments towards productive environments, quality and certification with Bamboo, AWS CodeDeploy, SonarQube and automatic functional tests with Robot Framework, PhantomJS and Selenium Drivers, in addition to

✔ Perform black box and white box tests
✔ Set thresholds, logs, and alarms to monitor applications, web services daemons, and scheduled tasks using AWS CloudWatch
✔ I configured firewall rules in Cloudflare, mitigating DDOS, ClickJacking, XSS attacks, among others
✔ Managed On Premise and Cloud infrastructure on AWS
✔ Prepare report of acceptance of QA 1 for QA 2
✔ Prepare SQL ROLLBACK in SQL Server
✔ Restore database in SQL Server
✔ Prepare deployment plan
✔ Deployment of applications on EC2 instances (Windows Server, AMI Linux)
✔ I provisioned vagrant box with LAMP
✔ Automated deployments with Bamboo and AWS CodeDeploy
✔ I provisioned suite of Atlassian, Jira Software, Jira Service Desk, Confluence, Bitbucket Server and Bamboo
✔ I've monitored demons with Zabbix
✔ Managed non-functional deployments
✔ Managed the use of PHP_CodeSniffer
✔ I integrated the workflow between Jira and Bitbucket

Senior Full Stack Software Developer

SEP - NOV 2017 Atypax S.A.C.

Developer full stack and DevOps, I had the responsibility to improve workflows, development processes, in turn implement the integration and continuous delivery of new projects and migration of old projects to a new framework based on agile methodologies and ensuring the continuous improvement of the organization.

✔ Continuous integration
✔ Continuous delivery
✔ Maintenance of pipelines
✔ Configuration of services in AWS (EC2, Route 53, CodeDeploy, etc.), Google Cloud Platform and Linode (VPS)
✔ LEMP, LAMP, NodeJS & AngularJS
✔ Atlassian (Jira Software, Bitbucket Server & Confluence)
✔ I automated deployments using DeployHQ
✔ Sys Admin (Linux, Nginx, MySQL V5.7, PHP V7.1)
✔ Moodle (Plugins, web services, Cron Jobs)
✔ Maintenance of a project based on the Symfony Framework V2.1
✔ Maintenance of a project based on the AngularJS Framework V2
✔ Training in new technologies for the development team

      ✔ Route 53
      ✔ EC2
      ✔ RDS
      ✔ S3
      ✔ CodeCommit
      ✔ CodeBuild
      ✔ CodeDeploy
      ✔ CodePipeline
      ✔ ElasticCache
      ✔ CloudFront

⚾ Developed Projects:

Integration Development Team Leader

FEB - JUL 2017 GDC Digital Cinema Network S.A.C.

I was the leader of the integration development team at GDC Technology Limited, responsible for leading and participating in the integration of various e-commerce services with various platforms, payment processors, movie chains and various technology service providers. I was responsible for and participated in the migrations and restructuring of these platforms through the approach of a service-oriented solution architecture (SOA) in Amazon Web Services (AWS) using agile methodologies and continuous integrations, contemplating monitoring, control and everything that concerns the continuity of the business of the same.

✔ Development of the system administrator with Yii Framework V2
✔ Development of the transactional API with PhalconPHP V3.2
✔ Development of the API content of the system with PhalconPHP V3.2
✔ Development of scheduled tasks of the system with Yii Framework V2
✔ Coordination with internal and external clients
✔ Analyze and design the system core API restructuring

⚾ Analysis and design of the system:
      ✔ UML
      ✔ IDEF0
      ✔ BPMN

      ✔ Route 53
      ✔ EC2
      ✔ RDS
      ✔ S3
      ✔ CodeCommit
      ✔ CodeBuild
      ✔ CodeDeploy
      ✔ CodePipeline
      ✔ ElasticCache
      ✔ CloudFront

⚾ Sys Admin
      ✔ Linux
      ✔ Nginx
      ✔ MySQL
      ✔ PHP

⚾ DevOps
      ✔ Continuous integration
      ✔ Continuous delivery
      ✔ Pipelines
      ✔ I automated deployments

⚾ Developed Projects:
      ✔ Jetreel Tickets Core
      ✔ Jetreel Tickets Cinecenter
      ✔ Jetreel Tickets Novacinemas

Senior Backend Software Developer
Systems Analyst

JUN 2014 - MAY 2016 Imedia Comunicaciones S.A.C.

As a systems analyst I had the role and responsibility of ensuring the scalability, flexibility and elasticity of the technological infrastructure and the proper functioning of the main servers of the organization, data center, network infrastructure for the main services provided Imedia (monitoring of media, radio, tv and internet); in addition to:

✔ Analyze and design the restructuring of the intranet, CMS and viewers for the customer
✔ Manage demons and monitor them with nagios
✔ Create scripts for batch file processing, file system, database replicas data, manage MySQL cluster and postgreSQL
✔ Analyze the Imedia process model
✔ Specification diagrams macro processes
✔ Control of PDF generation, clippings of videos, audios and sending of daily bulletins
✔ Development of an application to the analysis area so that they can measure tones importance of an article or audiovisual for the client or actor
✔ Development of restructuring the intranet with Zend Framework 2, DOJO Toolkit, Bootstrap 3, HTML5, MySQL 5.6, Doctrine ORM DBAL
✔ Internal audit IT and information systems based on the methodology of ISACA and guide governance and management processes COBIT 5, CMMI, COSO I and II, ISO 31000
✔ Generate reports in excel for the area of analysis
✔ Provide support in distros like Ubuntu installations 14.04, layout HTML5 response
✔ Create bash scripts for monitoring demons in multiple servers
✔ Lift droopy services, such as Apache, MySQL, replicas of BD, receptions and transfers XML and PDF
✔ Development of logs crucial events and processes with crontab
✔ Indexation and consumption of services in Apache Solr
✔ Capture web images with PhantomJS
✔ Scraping imedia for various services
✔ Reading e-mails with IMAP and POP protocols (PHP)
✔ Automating file transfer with FTP PHP
✔ Mounting directories and replicas with rsync

⚾ Developed Projects:

Full Stack Software Developer

DEC 2012 - APR 2014 PAPAYA PERÚ S.A.C.

I redefined the software architecture, and server business model papaya, using a service-oriented (SOA) with multiple protocols web services, VPN connections, so restructure the entire system of content management films, suppliers architecture and distributors billboard Peru, Chile, Colombia, Mexico and Miami, his look configure the EC2 and Route53 Amazon web Services (AWS), implementing and coupling two payment processors (ipay and stripe) for the various chains theater Peru, taking care of the issue of fraud, and monitor the customer's attention on the problems that could arise:

✔ Establish design patterns
✔ Participate in meetings with management and cinema chains
✔ Define the architecture of applications, consumer Web services (WSDL, RESTFUL, XML, SOAP, VPN)
✔ Making sure that members of development have the tools and information needed to achieve the goals
✔ Stress tests for web services providers billboard
✔ Scraping movies, actors, directors and box office per country
✔ Cron Jobs for newspapers billboard filling services
✔ Content web services for Smart TV application, Windows Phone, android, iOS, iPad
✔ Transaction web services for the implementation of android, iOS
✔ Develop a management system billboard providers by country and each chain of each film
✔ Reports for enterprise billing and payments for their theater chains
✔ Migration news content, movies, actors, directors users to the new system
✔ Creating an Open ID with web services for the website of each country
✔ Manage a control layer DDOS attacks with cloudflare

⚾ Developed Projects:

Full Stack Software Developer

JAN 2011 - NOV 2012 Mimanzana SAC

As a Full Stack Developer, I dedicated myself completely to managing the entire web development process (analysis, structure, design, programming, testing and maintenance), both the back and front end content management system, application development and Facebook fans for customers; in addition to:

✔ Establish working methodologies
✔ Establish design patterns
✔ Participate in meetings with customer representatives
✔ Define the architecture of applications, consumer Web services (WSDL, WCF)
✔ Identify top-skills on members to assign tasks efficiently
✔ Monitor compliance with these tasks
✔ Making sure that members of development have the tools and information needed to achieve the goals
✔ Definir los perfiles técnicos requeridos y entrevistar candidatos

⚾ Developed Projects:

Junior AS3/PHP Software Developer

SEP 2009 - APR 2010 Uniclick SAC

I worked as a programmer in action script 3.0 (AS3), preprocessor hypertext (PHP), MySQL, implementing design patterns like singleton, model view controller (MVC), data object access (DAO) in both client leguaje (AS3) and server language (PHP), using a format action message (action message format - AMF) which is a binary format used to serialize object graphs AS3 XML objects or viceversa XML objects into objects of AS3, where it is possible to verify the validity a language PHP server role and thus allowing to create a layer of abstraction DAO both client and server.

⚾ I also realized additional tasks of analysis and design of systems, including:
      ✔ Analysis of functional requirements
      ✔ Entity-relationship model
      ✔ Logical data model
      ✔ Physical data model
      ✔ UML - class diagrams

As framework and agile development methodology used SCRUM, which allowed us to organize, streamline and synthesize plans to use to achieve the functional requirements and non-functional projects to be treated, so that in the development life cycle product this is forged with quality, on time and a high degree of outreach to the request and end-user, broadcast on the application rich internet application - (RIA) helped maintain a policy of continuous improvement thus helping to achieve leadership in the market.

⚾ Where we take into account the following principles:
      ✔ Continuous improvement
      ✔ Self-organization
      ✔ Priorización
      ✔ Time-boxing

Middle School Science teacher

JAN 2009 - MAY 2009 Santa Isabel Private School

I worked as a science teacher (algebra, mathematical reasoning, trigonometry, physics and psychotechnics), for students from 5th grade of primary to 3rd grade of secondary, in addition to:

✔ Conduct monthly tests and qualify them
✔ Dialogue with parents and deliver school notebooks

⚾ Tools:
      ✔ Didactics of the specialty
      ✔ Curricular evaluation and programming
      ✔ Developmental psychology
      ✔ Blackboard management
      ✔ Effective communication in the classroom

Backend Skills

PHP 5.3/5.4/5.6/7.3


Web Server Apache/Nginx

MySQL 5.6/5.7/8

Microsoft SQL Server 2012/2016

Yii Framework 1/2.1

Zend Framework 1/2/3

PhalconPHP Framework



NoSQL MongoDB/Apache Solr-Lucene


Laravel 5

Symfony Framework 2




Linux Skills

Shells Zsh/Bash/Fish




Family Debian Ubuntu/Kali

Family Centos Fedora/Mandriva

AMI AWS Linux 1/2





Control de Acceso


AWS Skills



S3/S3 IA/S3 Glacier








Elastic Cache




Frontend Skills



Java Script

jQuery/Jquery UI

Ecma Script 6

Dojo Toolkit





My Services

Responsive Design

Web Design

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Plan 1
$64 per month
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Pellentesque scelerisque
Morbi eu sagittis
Plan 2
$128 per month
Lorem ipsum dolor
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Morbi eu sagittis
Donec non diam
Plan 3
$256 per month
Lorem ipsum dolor
Pellentesque scelerisque
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Donec non diam
Aenean nec libero

Get in Touch

Los Angeles, USA
+123 654 78900
Freelance Available

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